Ask Sarah Hile

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Social Media users, want to feel less anxious?

Especially now most of my clients report that social media makes them feel more stressed, not less. I have a challenge for you:

Delete the social media apps that cause stress from your phone for 1 week.
Journal at the end of each day what kind of joy you missed by not looking at them.

Decide on day 7 if you want to re-install them or be brave and go for 2 weeks.

If you go for 2 weeks ask yourself each day what are you truly missing out on not looking at them.
Also ask what have I done with all my extra time?

At the end of week decide if your life is better or worse with the apps off your phone? Ask yourself if you feel better or worse about yourself as a result of not looking at social media? How are your relationships with family and friends different as a result?

Be brave and take the challenge! I know you can do it, and you will be surprised how you feel! (If you can’t possibly do the week and your job is not social media ask yourself why you can’t)

May you experience peace and happiness!


Covid-19 Changes Our Lives, What Now?

In the past few months just about every aspect of everyone’s lives have been drastically changed by Covid-19. After talking with a large number of people about their experiences a few helpful hints for survival in the new normal have emerged.

Number 1 – Focus on one day at a time. Try to stay in the moment and focus on what you can control. Keeping the focus narrow helps us to keep from being overwhelmed.

Number 2 – Be patient with yourself. It is easy to create lofty goals that we can’t realistically accomplish and then feel frustrated when we fall short. Even if you have extra time on your hands right now keep your goals small and do-able.

Number 3 – Limit exposure to social media while increasing actual virtual interaction with others. Lots of Facebook no, lots of Zoom calls yes. Social media leads to stress etc. unless you are having meaningful interactions, so be careful and listen to your own heart and mind to see if it is helpful or hurtful. Having meaningful communication with others is still important.

Number 4- Sometimes we need alone time. (Unless you are in a house by yourself then see above.) Even with less interaction as we are stuck in houses with just a few people sometimes we need more alone time to recharge. It is not abnormal to crave alone time when you are overwhelmed with a global pandemic.